AMT Hardballer Custom 1911 45ACP SS with 7 mags 1980s Mint Condition.
This was a custom 1911 made in the late 1980s and was given to me as a present. It has custom cross hatching on the frame and many SS extras. It was made for IPSC shooting and was never used for competition. I have only shot a few hundred rounds through it over the years and now need to pass it on to someone who will shoot it. This handgun has had lots of custom gunsmithing back in the 1980s when it was built for IPSC shooting. Has a custom trigger job set to 3lb at present and also has Red Fiber fromt and Red Two Dot Rear Sight. It features custom fromt and read frame cross hatching, extended winged safety and extended mag release. Comes with SS thumb rest flared magwelll.
The AMT Hardballer is a series of pistols that are a clone of the .45 ACP M1911 made by Arcadia Machine & Tool (AMT) from 1977 to 2002.[1] The Hardballer was the first entirely stainless steel 1911 pattern pistol. Other features included adjustable rear sights and a lengthened grip safety.
The Hardballer derives its name from round-nose hardball G.I. ammunition (solid 230 grain Full Metal Jacketed bullets). This is the round the pistol was designed to shoot.
The Hardballer series of pistols all share a brushed stainless steel finish and a wide target style trigger with adjustable trigger stop. The later Galena-made pistols have an elongated "beavertail" grip safety and a beveled magazine well.
- AMT Hardballer: an all stainless steel version of the Colt Gold Cup, fitted with Micro rear sights.
- Stock: 1
- Model: AMT Hardballer Custom 1911 45ACP SS with 7 mags
- Weight: 1.00kg